ai换脸 在线 江苏大学主页平台解决系统 怯喜周

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ai换脸 在线 江苏大学主页平台解决系统 怯喜周


 ai换脸 在线      造就方面,承担《纳米材料与技艺》、《材料失效分析》、《金属基复合材料》、《检测技艺与遗弃工程》、《凝固历程模拟仿真》等多门本科生课程,主抓了“外场调控合成原位铝基复合材料模拟仿真”现实平台模块建设,参与了《金属基复合材料》佳构在线绽开课程建设。参与了《先进复合材料及技艺》商酌生课程造就。




1. 金属基复合材料构型缠绵与性能之间的连络商酌

2. 金属基复合材料强韧性与结构设施的连络性商酌,过火强韧化途径

3. 金属、合金和金属基复合材料的大塑性变形加工,过火结构性能演变商酌



1. 2009/09 - 2013/12,  上海交通大学,     材料学(金属基复合材料),     博士

2. 2006/09 - 2009/07,   江苏大学,           钢铁冶金(复合材料),            硕士

3. 2002/09 - 2006/07,  河南科技大学,     材料成型及遗弃工程,               学士



1. 2018/03 -,                 江苏大学,         材料科学与工程学院,   材料学、  硕士生导师

2.  2018/03 -,                 江苏大学,         材料科学与工程学院,   副解释

3. 2013/12 -2018/02,    江苏大学,         材料科学与工程学院,   助教、      讲师


项   目:

1. 国度当然科学基金后生科学基金款式(51701085),              高强韧仿珍珠层结构(B4C+Gr)/Al复合材料的制备及断裂机制商酌,                 2018-01至2020-12,   主抓

2. 江苏省后生科学基金款式(BK20160516),                           仿贝壳基体碳化硼/铝基复合材料的制备及断裂机理商酌,                                2016-07至2019-06,   主抓

3. 中国博士后科学基金款式(2016M591780),                         铝基纳米复合材料的结构设施大变形调控及高强塑机理,                                 2016-02至201812,    主抓

4. 江苏省博士科学基金款式(1501029B),                                高强韧纳米ZrB2/超细晶Al复合材料的限制化制备及机理商酌,                         2015-06至2017-12,   主抓

5. 金属基复合材料国度要点现实室绽开款式(MMC-KF18-16),仿珍珠层石墨烯/铝基复合材料的设施界面调控与断裂当作商酌,                       2018-07至2020-08,   主抓

6. 江苏大学高级东谈主才入手基金(14JDG125),                           高强韧超细晶铝基纳米复合材料的原位复合制备及结构设施连络性商酌,        2014-04至2017-12,   主抓

7. 国度当然科学基金后生科学基金款式(510010371),            羼杂盐反应法的TiB2、ZrB2团簇酿成历程过火电磁回荡调控的同步放射商酌, 2019-01至2021-12,   参与(2/6)

8. 国度当然科学基金后生科学基金款式(510010371),            时局驰念合金高阻尼机理商酌,                                                                        2011-01至2014-12,   参与(2/4)

9. 国度当然科学基金面上款式(51273111),                            生物微结构光反应的调控及DNA分子识别商酌,                                               2012-01至2015-12,   参与(2/6)

10 .国度当然科学基金面上款式(51173105),                            基于新式氨基酸类超分子水凝胶的细胞培养支架材料商酌 ,                             2011-01至2014-12,   参与(2/6)

11. 国度当然科学基金面上款式(51174098),                            原位铝基纳米复合材料高应变速度超塑性变形机制及规矩,                              2012/01至2015/12,   参与(3/10)

三上悠亚 肛交

12. 国度当然科学基金连络基金要点款式(U1664254)ai换脸 在线,             车身用原位纳米强化铝合金挤压型材的缠绵、性能调控及期骗商酌,                2017-01至2020-12,   进入(5/10)


奖   项:

1. 江苏省“六大东谈主才岑岭”高等次东谈主才,        江苏省东谈主力资源与社会保险厅,                                                  2018,    (怯喜周)

2. 江苏省科学技艺二等奖,                        轻质高强铝基纳米复合材料过火在高端载运器具上的期骗,        2019,    (赵玉涛; 陈刚; 范同祥; 姜巨福; 浦剑英;张豪; 彭兵阳; 殷来大; 王坤; 怯喜周)

3. 机械工业技艺跳跃一等奖,                  原位纳米强化铝合金过火构件成形关节技艺商酌与工程期骗,    2016,    (赵玉涛; 程晓农; 陈刚; 彭原璞;李桂荣; 张豪; 张松利; 浦剑英; 王宏明; 谢建林; 贾志宏; 蒋玉梅; 焦雷; 张振亚; 怯喜周).



担任Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Materials Science and Engineering A,Materials and Design, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,Materials Chemistry and Physics,Materials Letters; Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters),Metals and Materials International,Advanced Engineering Materials,International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials,复合材料学报,有色金属学报,哈尔滨工业大学学报,材料商酌学报等杂志的特约审稿东谈主;国度当然科学基金通信评议东谈主。





[1] X. Kai, Y. Zhao, A. Wang, C. Wang, Z. Mao, Hot deformation behavior of in situ nano ZrB2reinforced 2024Al matrix composite, Composites Science and Technology 116(0) (2015) 1-8

[2] X. Kai, Z. Li, G. Fan, Q. Guo, Z. Tan, W. Zhang, Y. Su, W. Lu, W.-J. Moon, D. Zhang, Strong and ductile particulate reinforced ultrafine-grained metallic composites fabricated by flake powder metallurgy, Scr. Mater. 68(8) (2013) 555-558.

[3] X. Kai, K. Tian, C. Wang, L. Jiao, G. Chen, Y. Zhao, Effects of ultrasonic vibration on the microstructure and tensile properties of the nano ZrB2/2024Al composites synthesized by direct melt reaction, J. Alloy. Compd. 668 (2016) 121-127.

[4] X. Kai, S. Huang, L. Wu, R. Tao, Y. Peng, Z. Mao, F. Chen, G. Li, G. Chen, Y. Zhao, High strength and high creep resistant ZrB2/Al nanocomposites fabricated by ultrasonic-chemical in-situ reaction, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35(9) (2019) 2107-2114.

[5] X. Kai, C. Chen, X. Sun, C. Wang, Y. Zhao, Hot deformation behavior and optimization of processing parameters of a typical high-strength Al–Mg–Si alloy, Mater. Des. 90 (2016) 1151-1158.

[6] X.Z. Kai, Z.Q. Li, G.L. Fan, Q. Guo, D.B. Xiong, W.L. Zhang, Y.S. Su, W.J. Lu, W.J. Moon, D. Zhang, Enhanced strength and ductility in particulate-reinforced aluminum matrix composites fabricated by flake powder metallurgy, Materials Science and Engineering: A 587(0) (2013) 46-53.

[7] X.Z. Kai, Z.Q. Li, W.L. Zhang, G.L. Fan, L. Jiang, W.J. Lu, D. Zhang, A model for volume fraction and/or particle size selection in metal matrix composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A (0) (2011).

[8] Y.T. Zhao, X.Z. Kai, G. Chen, W.L. Lin, C.M. Wang, Effects of friction stir processing on the microstructure and superplasticity of in situ nano-ZrB2/2024Al composite, Progress in Natural Science-Materials International 26(1) (2016) 69-77.

[9] W. Qian, Y. Zhao, X. Kai, Y. Yan, R. Tao, X. Gao, Synergistic reinforcement of in situ (ZrB2+TiB2) particles and Er on microstructure and properties of 6082Al matrix composites, J. Alloy. Compd. 813 (2020).

[10] Z.H. Zhao, Y.T. Zhao, X.Z. Kai, R. Tao, R.F. Ding, L. Liang, Hot deformation behavior and processing map of in-situ nano ZrB2 reinforced AA6111 matrix composites, Materials Research Express 6(2) (2019) 11.

[11] Y. Yang, Y. Zhao, X. Kai, Z. Zhang, H. Zhang, R. Tao, G. Chen, H. Yin, M. Wang, Effects of hot extrusion and heat treatment on microstructure and properties of industrial large-scale spray-deposited 7055 aluminum alloy, Materials Research Express 5(1) (2018).

[12] Y. Yang, Y. Zhao, X. Kai, R. Tao, M. Wang, H. Yin, G. Chen, Effects of (TiB2 + ZrB2) nanoparticles on microstructure and properties of 7055Al matrix composites, Mater. Sci. Technol. 34(11) (2018) 1323-1332.

[13] R. Tao, Y.T. Zhao, X.Z. Kai, Z.H. Zhao, R.F. Ding, L. Liang, W.T. Xu, Microstructures and properties of in situ ZrB2/AA6111 composites synthesized under a coupled magnetic and ultrasonic field, J. Alloy. Compd. 754 (2018) 114-123.

[14] R. Tao, Y. Zhao, X. Kai, Z. Zhao, R. Ding, L. Liang, W. Xu, Effects of hot rolling deformation on the microstructure and tensile properties of an in situ-generated ZrB2nanoparticle-reinforced AA6111 composite, Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process. 732 (2018) 138-147.

[15] R. Tao, Y. Zhao, X. Kai, Y. Wang, W. Qian, Y. Yang, M. Wang, W. Xu, The effects of Er addition on the microstructure and properties of an in situ nano ZrB2 reinforced A356.2 composite, J. Alloy. Compd. 731 (2018) 200-209.

[16] Y. Yang, Y. Zhao, X. Kai, R. Tao, Superplasticity behavior and deformation mechanism of the in-situ Al3Zr/6063Al composites processed by friction stir processing, J. Alloy. Compd. 710 (2017) 225-233.

[17] R. Ding, Y. Zhao, R. Tao, Z. Zhao, L. Liang, J. Wu, X. Kai, M. Wang, Effects of Sr addition on the microstructures and mechanical properties of in-situ ZrB2 nanoparticles reinforced AlSi9Cu3 composites, Progress in Natural Science-Materials International 29(5) (2019) 561-568.

[18] Z. Tan, Z. Li, G. Fan, X. Kai, G. Ji, L. Zhang, D. Zhang, Diamond/aluminum composites processed by vacuum hot pressing: Microstructure characteristics and thermal properties, Diamond and Related Materials 31(0) (2013) 1-5.

[19] Z. Tan, Z. Li, G. Fan, X. Kai, G. Ji, L. Zhang, D. Zhang, Fabrication of diamond/aluminum composites by vacuum hot pressing: Process optimization and thermal properties, Composites Part B: Engineering 47(0) (2013) 173-180.

[20] Z. Tan, Z. Li, G. Fan, Q. Guo, X. Kai, G. Ji, L. Zhang, D. Zhang, Enhanced thermal conductivity in diamond/aluminum composites with a tungsten interface nanolayer, Mater. Des. 47(0) (2013) 160-166.

[21] L. Jiang, G. Fan, Z. Li, X. Kai, D. Zhang, Z. Chen, S. Humphries, G. Heness, W.Y. Yeung, An approach to the uniform dispersion of a high volume fraction of carbon nanotubes in aluminum powder, Carbon 49(6) (2011) 1965-1971.

[22] W. Zhang, Z. Li, L. Jiang, X. Kai, X. Dai, G. Fan, Q. Guo, D. Xiong, Y. Su, D. Zhang, Flake thickness effect of Al2O3/Al biomimetic nanolaminated composites fabricated by flake powder metallurgy, Materials Science and Engineering: A 594(0) (2014) 324-329.

[23] Y. Sun, Y. Zhao, J. Wu, X. Kai, Z. Zhang, Z. Fang, C. Xia, Effects of particulate agglomerated degree on deformation behaviors and mechanical properties of in-situ ZrB2 nanoparticles reinforced AA6016 matrix composites by finite element modeling, Materials Research Express 7(3) (2020).

[24] G.R. Li, M. Liu, H.M. Wang, D. Zhang, F. Tang, C.W. Wang, Y.T. Zhao, G. Chen, X.Z. Kai, Effect of the Rare Earth Element Yttrium on the Structure and Properties of Boron-Containing High-Entropy Alloy, Jom  (2020).

[25] T. Xu, G. Li, M. Xie, M. Liu, D. Zhang, Y. Zhao, G. Chen, X. Kai, Microstructure and mechanical properties of in-situ nano γ-Al2O3p/A356 aluminum matrix composite, J. Alloy. Compd. 787 (2019) 72-85.

[26] R. Tao, Y. Zhao, G. Chen, X. Kai, Microstructure and Properties of In-Situ ZrB2 (np)/AA6111 Composites Synthesized Under an Electromagnetic Field, Acta Metallurgica Sinica 55(1) (2019) 160-170.

[27] F. Chen, Z.Q. Cao, G. Chen, X.Z. Kai, J.L. Wu, Y.T. Zhao, Synchrotron radiation micro-beam analysis of the effect of strontium on primary silicon in Zn-27Al-3Si alloy, J. Alloy. Compd. 749 (2018) 575-579.

[28] G. Li, T. Xu, H. Wang, M. Xie, M. Liu, D. Zhang, Y. Zhao, G. Chen, X. Kai, Microstructure and performance of nanometer gamma-Al2O3p/Al composite fabricated in Al-Co3O4 components, Mater. Lett. 253 (2019) 346-348.

[29] 赵玉涛,林伟立, 怯喜周, 刘晓君, 王春梅, 超声化学原位合成纳米Al2O3/6063Al复合材料组织及高温蠕变性能, 复合材料学报 (05) (2015) 1399-1407.

[30] 怯喜周,王研,欢然,陈飞,陈刚,赵玉涛, 稀土Er对A356.2合金微不雅组织和力学性能的影响, 锻造技艺 (12) (2016).



[1] 怯喜周; 武林; 彭艳杰; 黄烁铭; 陈锐崐; 许晓静; 陈刚; 赵玉涛; 一种高强韧高中子接管颗粒增强铝基复合材料过火制备安装, 2020-1-19, 中国, CN202010060933.5

[2] 怯喜周; 武林; 黄烁铭; 彭艳杰; 陈刚; 赵玉涛; 一种高强韧纳米颗粒增强铝基复合材料的制备安装和智商, 2019-8-20, 中国, CN201910342032.2

[3] 怯喜周; 黄烁铭; 赵玉涛; 陈刚; 许晓静; 仿珍珠层结构基体的颗粒增强金属基复合材料及制备智商, 2018-9-5, 中国, ZL201811030192.5

[4] 怯喜周; 武林; 彭艳杰; 张帅; 邢丹; 陈刚; 赵玉涛; 一种铝合金复合细化、强化剂过火制备智商和安装, 2019-12-10, 中国, CN201910812132.7

[5] 怯喜周; 赵玉涛; 陈刚; 张松利; 一种原位颗粒增强铝基复合材料制备智商, 2016-5-25, 中国, ZL201410316034.1

[6] Zhao, Yutao; Kai, Xizhou; Chen, Gang; Li, Qigrong; Pu, Jianying; Preparation method of a 6X82 matrix composite for automobile control arms, 2016-3-16,WIPO, PCT/CN2016/076435

[7] Zhao, Yutao; Kai, Xizhou; Chen, Gang; Chen, Fei; Yin, Lada; Yin, Min; Ahigh-strength anti-fatigue in situ nano-enhanced aluminum alloy used in automobile engine damping components and its high-density die casting method, 2018-3-23, WIPO, PCT/CN2018/080114

[8] 赵玉涛;欢然;陈刚;怯喜周;浦俭英;李其荣;一种车身用原位纳米强化铝合金挤压材及制备智商 , 2017-11-13, 中国, ZL107893170A

[9] 赵玉涛;怯喜周; 陈刚; 殷来大; 刘海; 陈飞;一种高强抗疲倦原位纳米强化铝合金过火压铸智商, 2017-05-25, 中国, ZL107267817A.  

[10] 赵玉涛;王研;怯喜周;钱炜;王晓璐;一种原位铝基复合材料的制备智商过火安装, 2016-05-31, 中国, ZL106086530A

[11] 赵玉涛;彭原璞; 范同祥;怯喜周; 陈刚;王文玲;一种重载轮毂用抗疲倦原位铝基复合材料过火制备智商, 2016-04-01, 中国,  ZL105861887A

[12] 赵玉涛;陈存;怯喜周;陈刚;一种高强韧铝基纳米复合材料的制备智商, 2016-03-17,  中国,  ZL105779915A

[13] 赵玉涛;怯喜周;陈刚;李其荣;浦俭英;一种汽车遗弃臂用6X82基复合材料的制备智商, 2015-05-19, 中国,  ZL104928542A

[14] 赵玉涛;茅泽民;怯喜周;孙霞飞;一种纳米ZrB2颗粒增强铝基复合材料的原位制备智商, 2014-11-07, 中国,  ZL104451236A

[15] 许晓静;黄烁铭;张冲;怯喜周;张斌;刘正;张进松;王天伦;陈汉辉;张可东谈主; Zn合金化的高强度高抗晶间腐蚀5A06型铝合金过火制备智商.发明专利, 2018-10-09, 中国,CN201810982866.5

[16] 李志强;怯喜周;范根莲;张荻;一种高强韧金属基纳米复合材料的制备智商, 2012-10-03日,中国,ZL201210038640.2

[17] 李志强;怯喜周;范根莲;张荻;一种基体为纳米叠层结构的金属基复合材料过火制备智商,2012-10-11,中国,ZL 201210111758.3